While performance aspects such as speed and climb can for many aircraft already to a large extent be gauged by historical data, these numbers are sometimes contradictory. In addition, for other metrics such as turn, acceleration and dive performance, these numbers are rarely available and in most cases simply non-existent.


This is why computer simulations can provide added value by filling in these knowledge gaps in an aircraft’s performance data sheet to make it more complete.

This in turn allows us to get a far better overall understanding of how these aircraft truly performed, and which was why I created this website and write papers and books on the subject.

Currently, only WW1 aircraft performance is covered in the simulations, papers and books that can be found on this website.

However, I am also working on a book covering WW2 aircraft performance. Later on jet aircraft performance from later conflicts may be added as well. These plans are outlined under the Projects tab above.

















Photo: Leutnant Werner Voss’ personal Fokker F.I (Later Dr.I) SN 103/17 with the signature face painted on the cowling, 1917.